Just in case you didn’t know
Panama is the only country in Latin America that has not experienced a financial collapse or a currency crisis since its independence. How is your country doing? It is a viable choice for relocation: U.S.$ based economy, average 7%+ growth in GDP over the last ten years. Infrastructure investments in transportation, energy production, public safety, have produced a shortage in qualified skilled trades and professional services. For a short summary of what people are interested in, check out my friend Tom Bymer’s web site “The Panama Perspective”, great guy and knows his way around here and who to talk to.
Another burp on the current world conditions.
First Greece then Brazil, now Brexit and Trump. What next, Italy’s banks going under? No matter, the Big Money is gearing up for a buying spree like you’ve never seen before. Big BUT here, will the demographics going forward be able to make it worthwhile? Except for India, just about every developed country’s population by age group is an inverted pyramid. Meaning that there will be less bodies to contribute to the support of the elders’ benefit programs. The tax revenue won’t cover the entitlements promised by the previous politicos. Increasing revenue and cutting benefits looks to be the norm going forward.
So, if you have any wealth to protect, may I suggest looking into international options for your needs.
You may e-mail your inquiry to worldwidetrustee@gmail.com for special consideration, thank you.