Aug 27, 2019

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Summer’s downhill slide into Autum


Back again for another round of apologies for lack of posts.

Since last April, after another jaunt into the Hub of the Americas, yours truly has finally climbed back into the writer’s chair to bring you up to speed on using trusts in your financial and estate planning.  Attending a class on trust concepts and strategies, I was presented with another form of lending with private money, YOUR money, out of your pocket, insurance contract, Solo 401K, or Self Directed ROTH IRA.  It is a “hybrid wrap loan” using a trust making each investor a “first position” lender.  If you are interested in learning more, send me an email to the e-dress at the top of the page.

If you were waiting for me to tell a funny chicken joke, welllllll, the yoke’s on you!  I’m all out right now.

Until next time, try something new, help someone up, say something nice.    Peace

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